miniBip V2
Mini audio vario
- Vario with pressure sensor
- Piezo buzzer
- 3 adjustable volume levels
- barometric sensor
- 24g

BipBip Pro V2
Solar Audio variometer
- Sunpowered
- vario with MEMS pressure sensor
- Piezo buzzer
- 5 adjustable audio levels
- descent alarm- configurable
- climb sensitivity- configurable
- Integration time- configurable
- LED Vario
- low lift detector
- barometric sensor
- 26g

Bluetooth solar audio vario
- sunpowered
- MEMS pressure sensor, instant vario with gyroscope
- Piezo buzzer
- 5 adjustable audio levels
- descent alarm- configurable
- climb sensitivity- configurable
- Integration time- configurable
- LED Vario
- low lift detector
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Speed and Altitude via bluetooth
- Smartphone connection via bluetooth
- 26g

GPS alti-vario Bluetooth solar
- sunpowered
- MEMS pressure sensor, instant vario with gyroscope
- Piezo buzzer and Hifi speaker
- 5 adjustable audio levels
- descent alarm- configurable
- climb sensitivity- configurable
- Integration time- configurable
- LED Vario
- low lift detector
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Speed and Altitude via bluetooth
- Smartphone connection via bluetooth
- GPS logger
- KML and IGC file
- Voice assistant
- 29g