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Flymaster Tracker 4G instrument image

 $260 inc tax

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The new Flymaster Tracker 4G borrows on the proven tracking technology developed for the LIVE DS.  With the use of an LTE-M* communication module, a long operating life is ensured, as this type of communication will have a huge global deployment

The Tracker features a pressure sensor, so it’s flight log can be used to generate IGC data which includes the compulsory barometric altitude.

It is built from high strength polycarbonate combined with a rubber exterior, making it extremely robust and water resistant. So it can be used not only for flying, but also for other activities, such as Kite and Wind Surfing, Mountain Biking, etc.

Safe XC-flying

XC flying is rewarding, yet landing out alone can be scary the LiveTracking system you will never be alone on your XC adventure. Flymaster LiveTracking technology is the standard for the Paragliding World Cup and the Red Bull X-Alps.

red bull x alps logo

Cloud Flights

Your flights are automatically downloaded to our Cloud Flights Web Service. Inside your flight details page, you can review your flight, play it back, analyse all data, including all external sensors data, like G-forces and heart rate values. You can also download your flight in IGC format.
